Workshops and Special Reports

PSC Special Reports

Special reports produced about topics related to the Pacific Salmon Treaty, including those produced by the CSC (Committee on Scientific Cooperation).

PSC Seminar Series

A seminar series providing the latest information on environmental variation, its effects on salmon across their life cycle, and approaches to address this variability in salmon management from both western and indigenous perspectives.

Introduction to Using Environmental Indicators to Inform Salmon Management

A 2021 workshop intended to share background information and perspectives on the use of environmental indicators to inform salmon management, and to provide examples of using environmental indicators in salmon management.

Southern BC Chinook Expert Panel Workshop

An independent Expert Panel report evaluating the relative importance of factors that may have affected the abundance and productivity of southern BC Chinook salmon. Workshop held in Vancouver, B.C. on May 22-24, 2013.

Northeast Pacific Pink and Chum Salmon Workshop Series

Promoting communication among scientists involved with pink & chum salmon research and management in the Pacific Northwest, British Columbia, Alaska, and Asia since 1962.

Fraser River Sockeye Decline Workshop

A Pacific Salmon Commission bilateral scientific workshop on the decline of Fraser River sockeye. Held in Nanaimo on June 15-17, 2010.

Late-Run Fraser River Sockeye Review

Migration Behavior and Mortality of Late-run Fraser River Sockeye Salmon. A series of publications from 2001 to 2009.

Coded Wire Tag Program Review

A workshop was held to examine limitations of the CWT program and to evaluate the capacity of alternative technologies to provide data to improve assessment of chinook and coho salmon. Workshops held in June 2004.

Genetic Stock Identification Workshop

To develop recommendations for integration of GSI information into a coordinated coast-wide management system to improve the ability of ocean fisheries to access abundant stocks within impact constraints established for other specific stocks and, to the extent possible, to identify and quantify the costs, implementation steps and timeframes to implement these recommendations. Workshops held in May and Sept 2007.