Full-text versions of some recent Coded Wire Tag Program Review Reports are provided here in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) file format.

Background Paper Bibliographies


Banks, M.A. 2004. Stock identification for conservation of threatened or endangered species. In Stock Identification Methods. Edited by S.X. Cadrin et. al., Elsevier Press. In press.

Beacham, T.D., Withler, R.E., and Stevens, T.A. 1996. Stock identification of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) using minisatellite DNA variation. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 53: 380-394.

Beacham, T.D. Candy, J.R., Supernault, K.J., Ming, T., Deagle, B., Schulze, A., Tuck, D., Kaukinen, K.H., Irvine, J.R., Miller, K.M., and Withler, R.E. 2001. Evaluation and application of microsatellite and major histocompatibility complex variation for stock identification of coho salmon in British Columbia. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc.130: 1116-1149.

Bernard, D.R., and Clark, J.E. 1996. Estimating salmon harvest with coded-wire tags. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 53: 2323-2332.

Bernatches, L., and Duchesne, P. 2000. Individual-based genotype analysis in studies of parentage assignment: how many loci, how many alleles? Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 57: 1-12.

Cornuet, J.M., Piry, S., Luikart, G., Estoup, A., and Solignac, M. 1999. New methods employing multilocus genotypes to select or exclude populations as origins of individuals. Genetics 153: 1989-2000.

Geiger, H.  1994.  A Bayesian approach for estimating hatchery contribution in a series of salmon fisheries.  Alaska Fish. Res. Bull. 1: 66-75.

Hagen, P., Monk, K., Van Alen, B., and White, B. 1995.  Thermal mark technology for inseason fisheries management: a case study.  Alaska Fish. Res. Bull. 2:143-155.

Hammer, S.A. and Blankenship, H.L. 2001. Technical notes : cost comparison of marks, tags, and mark-with-tag combinations used in salmonid research. N. Amer. J. Aqua. 63: 171-178.

Hansen, M.M., Kenchington, E., and Nielsen, E.E. 2001.  Assigning individual fish to populations using microsatellite DNA markers. Fish and Fisheries 2: 93-112.

ICES Anadromous and Catadromous Fish Committee. 1997. Study group on ocean salmon tagging experiments with data logging tags. ICES CM 1997/M: 3.

Imsiridou, A., and Zaldivar, J.M. 1999. Methodology and formats for stock identification of fish species. European Commission. Joint Research Center, Institute for Systems, Informatics and Safety Tech. Note I.99.16.

Joint Coho DIT Analysis Workgroup. 2003. Analysis of coho salmon double index tag (DIT) data for the brood years 1995-1997. Northwest Fish. Res. Bull. Pro. Rep. Ser. No. 12.

Lawson, P.W. and Sampson, D.B. 1996. Gear-related mortality in selective fisheries for ocean salmon. N. Amer. J. Fish. Man. 16: 512-520.

Morishima, G.S. 1986. Briefing paper on CWT’s.


Briefing Paper on CWTs. Morishima.

Myers, J.M., R.G. Kope, G.J. Bryant, D. Teel, L.J., Lierheimer, T.C. Wainwright, W.S. Grand, F.W. Waknitz, K. Neely, S.T. Lindley, and R.S. Waples. 1998. Levels of genetic variance among populations. In Status review of chinook salmon from Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and California. U.S. Comm. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-NWFSC-35, 443 p.

North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission. 2001. Workshop on Salmonid Otolith Marking. Seattle, WA. March 21, 2001. N. Pac. Anadromous Fish Comm. Tech. Rep. No. 3.

Ogle, D.H., Pruitt, R.C., Spangler, G.R., and Cyterski, M.J. 1996.  A Bayesian approach to assigning probabilities to fish ages determined from temporal signatures in growth increments.  Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 53: 1788-1794.

Palsboll, P. et. al. 1997. Genetic tagging of humpback whales. Nature 388: 767-769

Palsboll, P. 1999. Genetic tagging contemporary molecular ecology. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 68: 3-22

Scott, J.B., Moore, S.D., and Moore, R.A. 1992. Review of the chinook exploitation rate indicator stock program for the Washington coast and Puget Sound.


Review of the Chinook Exploitation Rate Indicator Stock Program for the Washington Coast and Puget Sound. Scott.

Thorsteinsson, V. 2002. Tagging methods for stock assessment and research in fisheries: report of Concerted Action FAIR CT.96.1394 (CATAG) Reykjavik. Marine Research Institute Tech. Rep No. 79.

Zhou, S. 2002. Uncertainties in estimating fishing mortality in unmarked salmon in mark-selective fisheries using double-index tagging. N. Amer. J. Fish. Man. 22: 480- 493.

Pacific Salmon Commission Reports


Pacific Salmon Commission. Joint Chinook Technical Committee. 2004.Estimation and application of incidental fishing mortality in chinook salmon under the 1999 Agreement to the Pacific Salmon Treaty.


Estimation and Application of Incidental Fishing Mortality in Chinook Salmon Management under the 1999 Agreement to the Pacific Salmon Treaty.

Pacific Salmon Commission. Joint Chinook Technical Committee. 1997.Incidental mortality of chinook salmon: mortality rates applicable to Pacific Salmon Commission fisheries.


Incidental Fishing Mortality of Chinook Salmon: Mortality Rates Applicable to Pacific Salmon Commission Fisheries.

Pacific Salmon Commission. Ad-Hoc Selective Fishery Evaluation Committee. 1995. Selective Fishery Evaluation.


Ad-hoc Selective Fishery Evaluation Committee

Pacific Salmon Commission. Joint Coho Technical Committee. 1989. Report to the Southern Panel on coho stock composition estimates in the Southern Panel area.

TCCOHO (89)-1

Report to the Southern Panel on Coho Stock Composition Estimates in the Southern Panel Area.

Pacific Salmon Commission. Joint Data Sharing Technical Committee. 1989.Information content and data standards for a coastwide coded-wire tag database.

TCDS (89)-1

Joint Technical Committee on Data Sharing Joint Working Group on Mark Recovery Databases. Information Content and Data Standards for a Coastwide Coded-Wire Tag Database.

Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission


Olson, R., Gutmann, J., and Phillipson, K. 1997. Review of tribal CWT indicator stocks. Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission.


Review of Tribal CWT Indicator Stocks. Olson, Gutmann, Phillipson

Olson, R. 1993. Review of CWT spawning escapement estimates for tribal PSC chinook indicator stocks. Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission.


Review of Procedures used to Estimate Escapement of Tribal Chinook Exploitation Rate Indicator Stocks. Olson, Goddard, Phillipson.

Olson, R., and Newman, K. 1987. Summary of presentations from the workshop Field Techniques and Statistical Issues of Indicator Stock Tagging and Spawning Escapement Estimation. June 25, 1987. Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission.


Field Techniques and Statistical Issues of Indicator Stock Tagging and Spawning Escapement Estimation. Olson, Newman.

Papers written specifically for the future of the CWT Program


Alexandersdottir, M., Hoffmann, A., Brown, G., and Goodman, P. 2004.Technical review of the CWT system and its use for chinook and coho salmon management.

CWT Technical Review 2004

Technical Review of the CWT System and Its Use for Chinook and Coho Salmon Management. Alexandersdottir, Hoffmann, Brown, Goodman.

Alexandersdottir, M., Hoffmann, A., Brown, G., and Goodman, P. 2004.Technical review of the CWT system and its use for chinook and coho salmon management. Appendix tables and figures.

CWT Technical Review 2004 Appendix

Technical Review of the CWT System and Its Use for Chinook and Coho Salmon Management - Appendix Tables and Figures.

Bowhay, C. 2004. Implications of legislative directives to mass mark.


Implications of Legislative Directives to Mass Mark

Clark, JH. 2004. Approximate costs that can be associated with the coded-wire tag program in Southeast Alaska.


Approx Costs that can be Associated with the CWT Program in SE Alaska

Hoffmann, A., and Alexandersdottir, M. 2004. Impact of mass marking and mark-selective fisheries on use of CWT data for chinook and coho management.

Impact of Mass Marking and Mark-Selective Fisheries 2004

Impact of Mass Marking and Mark-Selective Fisheries on use of CWT Data for Chinook and Coho Management. Hoffmann, Alexandersdottir.

Johnson, J.K. 2004. Regional review of coded wire tagging of anadromous salmon and steelhead in northwest America. Paper updated from 1989 to current year 2004.


Regional Overview of CWT of Anadromous Salmon and Steelhead in NW America. Johnson.

McNicol, R.E. 2004. Costs associated with the Coded-Wire Tag program in British Columbia, Canada.


Costs Associated with the CWT Program in BC. McNicol.

Morishima, G.S. 2004. In a nutshell: coded wire tags and the Pacific Salmon Commission?s fishery regimes for chinook and southern coho salmon.


In a Nutshell: CWTs and the PSC's Fishery Regimes for Chinook and Southern Coho Salmon

Morishima, G.S., and Alexandersdottir, M. 2004. Data matrix: requirements for assessment of fishery impacts on salmon stocks.

Data Matrix 2004

Requirements for assessment of fishery impacts on salmon stocks. Morishima, Alexandersdotttir.

Rutter, L. 2004. Workshop background and charge to the panel.


Workshop Background and Charge to the Panel. Rutter.