Fraser River Sockeye Decline Workshop

The Pacific Salmon Commission held a bilateral scientific workshop on the decline of Fraser River sockeye in Nanaimo between June 15 & 17, 2010.The final workshop report reflects the considered scientific judgments and advice of its authors. The Commission respects and has great confidence in the expertise and objectivity of the scientists who responded to our request to prepare presentations and/or otherwise participate in the workshop, and is very appreciative of their contributions. This especially includes the Expert Advisory Panel, chaired by Dr. Randall Peterman of Simon Fraser University, who was entrusted to oversee the workshop and produce the report. The report was intended to make a contribution to the then current scientific and public discourse concerning the status of Fraser sockeye.

Workshop Final Report

Peterman R.M., D. Marmorek, B. Beckman, M. Bradford, N. Mantua, B.E. Riddell, M. Scheuerell, M. Staley, K. Wieckowski, J.R. Winton, C.C. Wood. 2010. Synthesis of evidence from a workshop on the decline of Fraser River sockeye. June 15-17, 2010. A Report to the Pacific Salmon Commission, Vancouver, B.C.


02 - Fraser Sockeye Decline Workshop Final Report

Synthesis of evidence from a workshop on the decline of Fraser River sockeye. June 15-17, 2010. A Report to the Pacific Salmon Commission, Vancouver, B.C.
Date added: August-2010

03 - Fraser Sockeye Decline Workshop Appendix C, Part 1

Part 1 of speaker's hand-outs
Date added: November-2010

04 - Fraser Sockeye Decline Workshop Appendix C, Part 2

Part 2 of speaker's hand-outs
Date added: November-2010