PSC Seminar Series

The Southern Panel and Coho Technical Committee have launched a virtual seminar series available to all PSC Community members.

Arising from the May 11, 2021, workshop on environmental indicators and salmon management, this series provides the latest information on environmental variation, its effects on salmon across their life cycle, and approaches to address this variability in salmon management from both western and indigenous perspectives.

This monthly seminar series features noted speakers from the United States and Canada discussing diverse aspects of environmental variation and their impacts to salmon and management. Following each presentation is an extended Q & A session to allow in-depth discussion of the topic.

Attendance is currently by invitation only, however, you can subscribe to our Youtube channel to be notified when recordings of each session are uploaded.

Seminar 1: The new normal? Heat waves and ocean blobs, what’s next?

January 10, 2022. Featuring Nick Bond (State Climatologist for Washington) and Faron Anslow (Climatologist at University of Victoria)

Seminar 2: New salmon habitat: From glacial retreat to spawning in the Arctic

April 20, 2022. Featuring Dr. Jonathan Moore (Salmon Watersheds Lab, SFU) and Dr. Karen Dunmall (Arctic Biologist, DFO) with special guests Jody Illasiak and Michelle Gruben

Seminar 3: Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Salmon Management

May 25, 2022. Featuring Dr. Teresa Ryan (Faculty of Forestry, UBC; The Mother Tree Project) and Eric Quaempts (Director, CTUIR Department of Natural Resources)

Seminar 4: Management Strategy Evaluation of Pacific Salmon

June 15, 2022. Featuring Dr. Curry Cunningham (Assistant Professor, College of Fisheries and Oceans, UAF) and Gottfried Pestal (SOLV Consulting Ltd.)

Seminar 5: Update on International Year of The Salmon 2022 High Seas Survey

July 20, 2022. Featuring Brian Riddell (Pacific Salmon Foundation) and Laurie Weitkamp (NOAA) with special guests Richard Beamish (Scientist Emeritus) and Chrys Neville (DFO)

Seminar 6: Freshwater Productivity in the Face of Climate Change

Sept 21, 2022. Featuring Dr. Chris Jordan (NOAA) and Dr. Dan Selbie (DFO)

Seminar 7: Effects of Climate on Marine Salmon Productivity

October 26, 2022. Featuring Dr. Brendan Connors (DFO) and Dr. Jan Ohlberger (WDFW)

Seminar 8: Environmental Variability and Hatchery Effectiveness

November 30, 2022. Featuring Dr. Brian Riddell (PSF) and Dr. Brian Beckman (NOAA Fisheries)

Seminar 9: Salish Sea Salmon: Resilience in a Changing Climate

January 10, 2023. Featuring Kadi Bizyayeva (Stillaguamish Tribe), Dr. Jacques White (Long Live the Kings), and Dr. Isobel Pearsall (PSF)

Seminar 10: Assessment and Management Frameworks of the Pacific Salmon Treaty

February 14th, 2023. Featuring Brendan Connors (DFO) and Scott McPherson

Seminar 11: Supporting Salmon Recovery Through Strategic Initiatives

March 29, 2023. Featuring Shane Petersen (BCSRIF) and Bill Templin (ADFG)

Seminar 12: Environmental Change and Predation on Salmon

April 20, 2023. Featuring Strahan Tucker (DFO) and Brad Hanson (NOAA Fisheries)

Seminar 13: Climate Assessments and the State of the Salmon

May 31, 2023. Featuring Michelle McClure (NOAA/PMEL) and Sue Grant (DFO)

Seminar 14: Ecosystem Impacts of Declining Body Size in Pacific Salmon

June 28, 2023. Featuring Cam Freshwater (DFO) and Krista Oke (NOAA)

Seminar 15: Habitat Restoration in a Changing Climate

July 26, 2023. Featuring Roger Dunlop (Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nation) and Mara Zimmerman (Coast Salmon Partnership)

Seminar 16: Updates on Current Conditions Around the NE Pacific

September 20, 2023. Featuring Andy Leising (NOAA), Bridget Ferriss (NOAA), and Jennifer Boldt (DFO)

Seminar 17: Fisheries Management Structures to Address Climate Change

Oct 25, 2023. Featuring Tommy Moore (NWIFC) and Rishi Sharma (FAO)

Seminar 18: Hatchery-Wild Interactions in the Columbia Basin and Salish Sea

Nov. 29, 2023. Featuring Robert Lackey (OSU) and Adam Silverstein in lieu of David Willis (DFO)

Seminar 19: Special Panel Discussion - Fishers Perspective on Environmental Change

Jan 9, 2024. Featuring John McCulloch, Susan Farlinger, Murray Ned, W. Ron Allen, McCoy Oatman, and Russell Thomas

Seminar 20: Plastic Pollution and Tire Contaminants (6PPD-Quinone)

Feb 13, 2024. Featuring Susanne M. Brander (OSU) and Tanya Brown (DFO/SFU)

Seminar 21: Alternative Fishing Gears

April 17, 2024. Featuring Charlene Hurst (WDFW), Mark Sorel (WDFW), and Will Atlas (Wild Salmon Center)

Seminar 22: Adapting to Climate Change

July 17, 2024. Featuring Mike Hudson (USFWS) and Christine Stortini (DFO)

Seminar 23: Columbia River Basin Salmon Restoration

October 30, 2024. Featuring Chad Fuller (ONA), Tom Iverson (Yakama Nation Fisheries), Michael Garrity (WDFW), and Jim McKenna (Yakima Nation Fisheries)

Seminar 24: State of the Pacific Ocean off Canada and the U.S.

January 14, 2025. Featuring Laurie Weitkamp (NOAA) and Jennifer Boldt (DFO)