Data & Applications

This page houses links to data and datasets published by the Pacific Salmon Commission (PSC). Datasets include in-season data on the assessment of Fraser River sockeye and pink salmon, annual data summaries generated by the PSC’s Staff and joint Technical Committees, and lists of projects supported by the PSC’s Northern and Southern funds.

Fraser River Panel In-Season Information

In-season assessment information, reports, and regulatory announcements generated by PSC Staff for the Fraser River Panel.

Fraser River Panel In-Season Data Application

This application developed by PSC Staff displays interactive data visualizations of the in-season Fraser River sockeye and pink salmon data.

Chinook Technical Committee Data Application

This application visualizes data published by the Chinook Technical Committee on Chinook salmon.

Chinook Technical Committee Report Data Sets

The Chinook Technical Committee (CTC) provides annual report data in downloadable .csv format.

Fraser River Panel Annual Report: Data Application

This application developed by PSC Staff displays interactive data visualizations of the data published in the Annual Reports of the Fraser River Panel.

PSC Biological Data Application

This application developed by PSC Staff houses biological data focused primarily on Fraser River sockeye and pink salmon. As more data sets are vetted, the application will be expanded with additional biological data.

PSC Sampling Protocol

This page houses instructions and protocol for sampling salmon for the Pacific Salmon Commission.

Northern and Southern Fund Projects

Information about projects that have received support from the Northern and Southern Funds. The lists include all projects that are currently in receipt of support from the funds as well as projects that have been supported in the past.

Map of Sockeye Spawning Locations within the Fraser River Watershed

This map displays important geographic information related to the return migration and spawning distribution of Fraser River sockeye salmon. This includes spawning ground location names for the 19 stock groupings used by the PSC as well as associated reference locations such as test fisheries, spawning channels, and hydro-acoustic sonar programs. The map is maintained by the Pacific Salmon Commission Secretariat.