This project developed a salmon passage remediation plan at the site of a large rock slide that occurred on the lower Tahltan River (Stikine River watershed) in May 2014. The rock slide partially in-filled the Tahltan River channel, constraining the River, and resulting in a seasonal barrier to adult sockeye and Chinook salmon attempting to migrate upstream to spawning grounds in the upper Tahltan River watershed.
The goal of the project was to re-establish adult salmon passage past the site of the slide for adult Chinook and sockeye salmon at flow levels and velocities typically experienced within the Tahltan River between May and August.
After qualified experts surveyed the slide area, assessed the slide materials, and evaluated conditions of the river canyon including hydrology and flow dynamics, an engineered plan was devised and executed. By March 2018 slide remediation operations were successfully completed that allowed adult Chinook and sockeye salmon to re-establish passage at a broader range of flows.