Coho Technical Committee

The joint Coho Technical Committee (TCCOHO) reports to the Southern Panel.

The Committee is responsible for:

    • Evaluating the effectiveness of management actions;
    • Identifying and reviewing the status of Coho stocks;
    • Presenting the most current information on harvest rates and patterns on these stocks, and developing a joint database for assessments;
    • Collating available information on the productivity of Coho stocks in order to identify escapements and associated exploitation rates which produce Maximum Sustainable Harvest;
    • Presenting historical catch data, associated fishing regimes, and information on stock composition in fisheries harvesting these stocks;
    • Devising analytical methods for the development of alternative regulatory and production strategies to meet objectives set forth by the Commission; and
    • Identifying information and research needs, including future monitoring programs for stock assessments.

The Committee also carries out a number of other activities to assist the Southern Panel including; overseeing the exchange of pre-season expectations and post-season estimates of Management Unit-specific mortalities in the fisheries of each Party; overseeing the exchange of information regarding the conduct of mark-selective fisheries, including estimates of interceptions of mass-marked hatchery Coho, as may be requested by the Southern Panel; and developing regional Coho pre-season and post season evaluation tools and protocols to provide a consistent means of evaluating the cumulative impact of U.S. and Canadian fisheries on Management Units and stocks of conservation concern.


See the current membership of the Coho Technical Committee by clicking on the link below.

Coho Technical Committee Reports

To see reports published by the Coho Technical Committee, click on the link below.