The Pacific Salmon Commission

The Pacific Salmon Commission (PSC) is an international decision-making organization, composed of four Commissioners (and four alternates) from the United States and Canada. This body handles ongoing administration of the Pacific Salmon Treaty through advice from four regional Panels of fisheries experts. Scientific advice on salmon populations and appropriate fishery controls comes from several joint technical committees of salmon scientists from each country.

As a treaty organization, the PSC facilitates implementation of the Treaty through research and regular meetings between national, provincial/state, First Nation, and U.S. tribal delegates to manage commercial, sport, and subsistence fisheries in both countries.

It has responsibility for all salmon originating in the waters of one country which are subject to interception by the other, affect management of the other country’s salmon or affect biologically the stocks of the other country. In addition, the Pacific Salmon Commission is charged with taking into account the conservation of steelhead trout while fulfilling its other functions.

What is the Pacific Salmon Commission?

The Treaty specifies administrative rules such as the location and frequency of meetings; establishes fisheries management guidelines and policies…

Organizational Structure

The Pacific Salmon Commission is a sixteen-person body with four Commissioners and four alternates each from the United States and Canada.

Our History

Canada and the United States have marked more than a century of international engagement to share and sustain their Pacific salmon runs…

The Pacific Salmon Treaty

The Pacific Salmon Treaty (PST or Treaty) between the United States and Canada (the Parties) entered into force on March 18, 1985. The product of many years of negotiations…

Frequently Asked Questions

See our list of frequently asked questions.